

June 18, 2018  |  by: Lisa M. Genier - Adirondack Council Program Analyst
Don't Get
With the arrival of warmer weather, we're all anxious to get outside and have some fun. But we must be on the look-out for the tiny creatures that can make us and our pets sick…ticks! Unfortunately, ticks and tick-borne illnesses are on the rise. So now more than ever, we must be vigilant to protect ourselves, our families and our furry friends from ticks and the diseases they can pass on.
June 13, 2018  |  by: John Sheehan - Adirondack Council Director of Communications
Road Salt Contamination Serious, Prompts State Pilot Program
With more than 5,000 miles of public highways in the Adirondack Park, even small decisions about seasonal maintenance can have a major impact on the Park’s long term health. A recent study by Paul Smith’s College Adirondack Watershed Institute (AWI) of 358 private wells across the Adirondack Park found that salt used to clear ice and snow from roads in the wintertime is contaminating groundwater and seeping into private wells at an alarming rate.
June 12, 2018  |  by: Adirondack Council Staff
Meet Revée Needham the Council's Fellow from Colgate University
The Adirondack Council is pleased to welcome Revée Needham as our Colgate University Upstate Institute Summer Field School Fellow who is working in our Elizabethtown office. Enjoy the blog that Revée wrote to introduce herself.
June 8, 2018  |  by: Adirondack Council Staff
Meet the Adirondack Council's Newest Intern Meg Desmond
The Adirondack Council is pleased to welcome Meg Desmond as our newest Clarence Petty Intern in our Elizabethtown office. She will be working closely with our Conservation Director Rocci Aguirre and our Conservation Fellow Jackie Bowen. Please enjoy the blog that Meg wrote to introduce herself.
June 5, 2018  |  by: Debbie Pastore - Adirondack Council Fund Development Director
Conservationist of the Year 2018 | Celebrating Science and Conservation
This July 14, 2018, we will host our annual “Forever Wild Day” members’ meeting and awards luncheon in Old Forge, NY. We are proud to honor Dan Josephson as the Conservationist of the Year for his and his team’s work studying acid rain and Adirondack brook trout, and also recognize Gary Lee for the work he has done with common loons. Without Dan's and Gary's scientific research and fieldwork, our advocacy work would not be possible.
May 31, 2018  |  by: Mary Godnick - Adirondack Council Marketing and Fund Development Assistant
An Ode to Trails | National Trails Day
Saturday, June 2, 2018 is National Trails Day...a day in honor of trails on public lands. The purpose of the day is to get people excited about the benefits of trails and spending time outdoors, as well as to bring awareness to trail issues. There are more than 2,300 miles of trails on the Adirondack Forest Preserve, and each trail brings a unique adventure.
May 23, 2018  |  by: Dana Mancini - Adirondack Council Advocacy and Outreach Assistant
5 Things You Need to Know | May ADK Conservation News
Adirondack Conservation News is a collection of the most current events taking place in New York’s Adirondack Park. It aims to highlight both threats and opportunities concerning the Park’s ecological integrity, wild character and community vibrancy. Here's May's edition.
May 15, 2018  |  by: By: Jackie Bowen - Adirondack Council Conservation Fellow
Looking Beyond the Adirondacks | Lessons of Overuse from Across the Northeast
The Adirondack Council's Conservation Fellow Jackie Bowen attended the Northeast Alpine Summit Gathering in Fairlee, VT. in late April. Read on to see what she learned and how it relates to our Adirondack Park.
May 9, 2018  |  by: Dana Mancini - Adirondack Council Advocacy and Outreach Assistant
Help Shape the 2018 Adirondack Common Ground Alliance Annual Forum
The Common Ground Alliance (CGA) is looking for input on topics this year’s forum. Please tell them what subjects you believe are most important to discuss and what issues are a priority for resolution for the Adirondack Park at the July 2018 Adirondack Common Ground Alliance annual forum by completing this survey. The deadline is Friday, May 11.
May 2, 2018  |  by: Ray Johnson – Guest Author - Founder and Director of the Institute of Climate Studies USA
It’s Carbon Dioxide Silly! | An article by Ray Johnson
In this blog, we feature the writing of Ray Johnson, an organic/analytical chemist who is currently the founder and director of the Institute of Climate Studies USA. Ray discusses how we humans are the cause of the rapidly rising levels of carbon dioxide in our Earth's atmosphere, and how it's causing our planet to warm.

19-20 Accomplishments

23-24 Accomplishments

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