Forever Adirondacks Campaign

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"Forever Adirondacks" Campaign

New York’s Adirondack Park is a national treasure we must preserve now and for future generations. 

The "Forever Adirondacks" campaign will raise awareness of the need to fund clean water, jobs, and wilderness protection in the Adirondack Park. The Adirondack Council has hired Aaron Mair as Campaign Director, to lead an Adirondack Wilderness, Water, and Jobs Coalition, and appeal to state and federal officials for funding and policy changes that will benefit these three program areas. Click HERE to read our press release, "National Wilderness Advocate Aaron Mair to Direct "Forever Adirondacks" Campaign to Protect Adirondack Clean Water, Jobs & Wilderness"

Three Priorities - Clean Water, Jobs, and Wilderness

Clean Water

Adirondack trees and forests filter our water and air, so we have clean water to drink, clean air to breathe.

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Build Clean Water Infrastructure - Establish new programs and funding to address failing community wastewater treatment facilities and private septic systems, including inspection and upgrade programs, grants to assist communities and homeowners to protect clean water, wetlands, and natural flood protections.

Prioritize Clean Water Protection - Address threats from aquatic and terrestrial invasive species, forest pests/pathogens, excess road salt, and pollution from untreated or inadequately treated human waste. Assist communities with watershed protection planning.

Protect Forests - Protect public and private forests so they can filter clean drinking water, sequester carbon and combat climate change, provide wildlife habitat and recreation, and with sustainable management, provide wood products. 

Safeguard Clean Air - Modernize the nation’s air quality monitoring network incorporate climate change data-collection into research programs, and set safer standards for air pollutants that harm public health, forests and waters. Protect low-income residents – both urban and rural – from upwind air pollution.

Fund Science and Research - Create a funding mechanism and structure to ensure that scientific research, studies, and regular long-term monitoring are conducted by a network of partners as part of a comprehensive and coordinated Park-specific research agenda. 


The Adirondack Park needs investment to upgrade green infrastructure, put people to work, and foster more vibrant communities.

Saranac Lake

Launch Adirondack Green New Deal/Green Jobs Program - Investments in renewable energy, new water and sewage treatment plants, land/visitor management, and bridge and highway flood-resistance will bring new jobs for a wide range of employment opportunities.

Improve Broadband Communications - Provide reliable internet, cell phone, and emergency services communications infrastructure in towns and along public roads.

Modernize Ranger Force, Trail Crews, Stewardship - Hire more Forest Rangers, assistants, researchers, field technicians, planners, stewards, caretakers, trail crew, and educators (400+ new, full-time staff) to complement and augment existing staff. Fund trails with a new $5 million/year for 20 years for sustainable trails. Establish Summer Climate and Careers Institute to connect Park college programs to New York City students. Offer corrections-to-conservation retraining to those impacted by North Country prison closures and consolidations. Expand Excelsior Conservation Corps. 

Establish New Full-time Education Jobs - Support jobs not centered on the recreational or tourism economy to build more equitable, sustainable, safe, diverse, and welcoming communities. Include technology and non-exportable interpretation jobs across the Park. 

Approve a $4 Billion Clean Water, Climate & Jobs Bond Act - On the ballot in November statewide, with the support of the Governor and Legislature, this can generate 65,000+ well-paying jobs for New Yorkers while protecting clean water and the environment. 


The Adirondack Park is home to irreplaceable wildlife and natural places that should be managed and enjoyed responsibly.

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Next Generation Wilderness Protections - Address overuse on the publicly-owned “forever wild” Forest Preserve with public-private partnerships, comprehensive, coordinated outreach and education, new and rebuilt trails, and improved visitor-use and destination management. Add new protections, including limits on use at some locations and dates. Preserve the Forever Wild Clause, Article XIV of New York State’s Constitution.

Protect 50,000 acres - Preserve the wild character of the Whitney Estate (36,000 acres) and Follensby Pond (14,000 acres) tracts via conservation partnerships that protect fragile ecosystems and provide appropriate public recreational opportunities.

Match Private Forests to Recreation, Climate Benefits - Provide opportunities for snowmobiles, bikes, and other lawful mechanized recreation under conservation agreements and non-wilderness Forest Preserve, where appropriate. Provide incentives to landowners who allow previously-logged forest to mature, increasing their carbon-sequestration potential and ecological health.

Establish and Fund an Adirondack Park Trust - Create and provide dedicated funding for an Adirondack Park Trust to invest in clean water, jobs, wilderness, and communities, to supplement and complement state agency funding and other private efforts.

19-20 Accomplishments

23-24 Accomplishments

Achieved with partners, grassroots advocacy,
and YOUR support! 

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