Photo Credits

Photo Credits

All images on this website are copyrighted by the contributing photographers listed below. These images are protected by Federal and International Copyright Laws. It is unlawful to use any image for any purpose without first obtaining written permission from the Adirondack Council, Nancie Battaglia, Carl Heilman II, Larry Master, Jamie McGiver, and Evan Williams or one of their authorized agents thereof. Any unauthorized usage constitutes Copyright Infringement. The Adirondack Council

The Adirondack Council is grateful to Nancie Battaglia, Carl Heilman ll, Larry Master, Jamie West-McGiver, and Evan Williams for the use of their photographs and their commitment to Adirondack Park conservation.

Nancie Battaglia/Nancie Battaglia Photography

Nancie Battaglia is an award winning freelance photographer living in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. Published extensively, her work has appeared in Sports Illustrated, the New York Times, National Geographic, Adirondack Life and beyond. Her work encompasses lifestyle, architecture, features, news, and sports, including eleven Olympics. As an active person she enjoys hiking, skiing, paddling, triathlons and all things outdoors.

Contact Nancie Battaglia at: PO Box 229, Lake Placid, NY 12946 Phone: 518.523.3440
Email: or

Carl Heilman ll/Wild Visions, Inc.

Outdoor photographer Carl Heilman ll has lived in the Adirondacks in upstate New York since he moved to the region in 1973 to live in his parents' summer home. He has worked in the region as a carpenter and contractor, and over the years also became well-known for his traditionally hand-crafted snowshoes and his snowshoeing expertise.

Carl has been photographing the wilderness landscape since 1975, working to capture on film both the grandeur of these special places, and the emotional and spiritual connection he has felt as well. His passion for spending as much time as possible in some of the wildest regions of the Adirondacks, soon became a lifelong quest to create images that record the essence of a true wilderness experience, and help convey that feeling to others. Today he is a full time professional outdoor nature photographer.

You can find more information about Carl Heilman II at

Nick LaScala

Nick LaScala was the Adirondack Council’s 2019 Clarence Petty Social Media and Photography Intern. He grew up in Franklin Lakes, NJ, but has deep roots in the Indian Lake community where he is a licensed NYS Outdoor Guide and sits on the Indian Lake Revitalization Committee. Nick is currently attending Clarkson University, studying Marketing Innovation and Entrepreneurship. During his internship, he will work with the marketing and communications team to expand the Adirondack Council efforts and capture the beauty of what makes the Adirondack Park unique. Whether it be hiking, whitewater rafting, or photography, Nick does whatever he can to continue to play an active role in the communities that have helped shape who he is today. 

Larry Master

Larry Master received a B.S. at St Lawrence University and then spent two years in the military (Vietnam). After doctoral and post-doctoral studies at the University of Michigan, Larry spent 20 years with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and 6 years with NatureServe, most of that time as Chief Zoologist. Larry conceived and co-authored Rivers of Life: Critical Watersheds for Protecting Freshwater Biodiversity. He has also authored numerous other publications as well as chapters in several books (e.g., Precious Heritage, Our Living Resources). Larry lives in Lake Placid with his wife Nancy.  He is also a “conservation photographer,” specializing in wildlife, especially threatened species, and he donates all his work to conservation organizations. Larry lectures regularly on climate change and its impending impacts and what we can all do to try to avoid or minimize catastrophic impacts.

Jamie West-McGiver

Jamie West-McGiver graduated from Syracuse University with her Masters in Social Work. After 10 years working in her field, she decided to retire from her position in an Elementary School to pursue passions that allowed her more time outdoors. She owns Due West Photography and specializes in Wedding and Adventure Photography. She loves paddling, rock and ice climbing, hiking, skiing and checking her ego on a mountain bike. Jamie resides in Lake Placid with her husband Justin and their rescue dog, Blu.

Evan Williams

Evan is an Adirondack native who grew up in Wilmington, NY. With winters spent skiing at Whiteface and summers hiking, camping, and boating, he learned to appreciate the uniqueness of his natural surroundings. Having worked and lived in several different locations after attending Clarkson University to earn his business degree, Evan’s appreciation for the region grew stronger.

As digital technology improved and digital communication expanded, Evan began sharing his Adirondack photography and videos to a website and across social media channels. As he and his wife, Hilary, continued to share their outdoor adventures across the Adirondack Park, their online community and lifestyle brand for the region, known as PureADK, began to grow. Today, Evan and Hilary are storytellers and influencers for the region. With the goal to not only educate people and provide helpful information about outdoor recreation within the park, but also to be creative influencers generating a positive impact for the area. Whether it’s a small business like a local coffee shop, a community event held on an annual basis, or even a park-wide initiative; they help spread the word, both digitally through their online platforms and of course directly in person as they meet people on the trails or out on the water.

You can follow more of Evan’s photography and outdoor adventures by visiting

Other Photographs

Photos that are not owned by Nancie Battaglia, Carl Heilman II, Larry Master, Jamie West-McGiver, or Evan Williams are the property of and copyrighted by the Adirondack Council.

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