Adirondack Council

Adirondack Wildflowers

Where to Spot Wildflowers in the Adirondacks

A reminder that it is currently mud season in the Adirondacks, and there is still snow at higher elevations. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is asking hikers to stay below 2,500 feet to avoid damaging trails and sensitive vegetation during this time. 

Check out one of our favorite Adirondack family-friendly nature walks and hikes here, one of the DEC's suggested mud season hikes below 2,500 feet here, or one of these great wildflower walks below. 

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Coon Mountain

The Adirondack Land Trust’s Coon Mountain Preserve is the destination when it comes to Spring wildflowers. Botanist Jerry Jenkins describes this area as “more diverse and richer in rare and uncommon species than in any other community the Adirondack Park.” Coon Mountain Official Brochure




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Paul Smith's VIC

The Paul Smith's Visitor Interpretive Center trails are open year-round. Their trails span the property of over 3,000 acres and showcase a variety of terrains such as mountains, marshes, forests, and streams. Information on wildflowers at the Paul Smith's VIC  & Paul Smith's VIC Nature Trails




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Amy's Park

Near Lake George in the town of Bolton Landing, Amy's Park is a landscape of ponds, marshes, and forests. There are four trails and two water access points on the property to immerse yourself in nature and view some of the active wildlife in their habitat, such as beavers. About Amy's Park

Types of Spring Wildflowers in the Adirondacks

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White Trillium
(Trillium grandiflorum)
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Purple Trillium
(Trillium erectum)
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Wild Oats
(Uvularia sessilifolia)
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(Arisaema triphyllum)
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(Mitella diphylla)
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Pink Lady Slipper
(Cypripedium acaule Ait.
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(Sanguinaria canadensis)
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(Hepatica nobilis)
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Blue Cohosh
(Caulophyllum thalictroides)
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Spring Beauty
(Claytonia virginica)
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Wild ginger
(Asarum caudatum)
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(Saxifraga virginiensis)
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Trout Lily
(Erythronium americanum)
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(Viburnum lantanoides)
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Staghorn Sumac
(Rhus typhina)


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