By Janine Scherline - Director of Development
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Briefly Describe Your Role At The Council
My role as Director of Development is to connect people who love the Adirondack Park with the important work the Adirondack Council does to protect the Park’s water, air and wildlands. People of all ages and backgrounds help us care for the Adirondacks and are passionate about ensuring their favorite places for adventure, connection and solitude are here for years to come.
It's 5:00 on a Friday and you're leaving the office for the weekend. Where are you going, what are you doing?
As a performing musician, outdoor lover, social creature and year-round resident of the Adirondacks, I spend a lot of time in the car. Weekends are my attempt at finding balance. So, making time to be outside even briefly is a priority – whether a walk in my favorite spot in the woods, looking for animal tracks in the winter, hiking with my husband, or spending time in the garden at home.
What's one thing people don't know about the Adirondacks, but should?
In addition to glorious mountain views, trails and places to visit, the region is home to vibrant communities, including towns in between towns, and year-round residents who both cherish the natural landscapes and make time to participate, even organize, community events. These can range from square dancing to chamber music – often in unique settings like grange halls, porches and parking lots, in living rooms with a side of potluck.
What is one issue that we are engaged in that means a lot to you?
Because I’m a lover of people and nature, the intersection of where those meet is what interests me most. And that is at the heart of the work of the Council – how we come together to support the natural resources, wild places and beauty of the Park so that those who come after us can also appreciate and have access to this cherished place.
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