By: Lisa M. Genier - Adirondack Council Program Analyst
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Adirondack Conservation News is a collection of the most current events taking place in New York’s Adirondack Park, a unique national treasure and legacy we inherited over 100 years ago, that we must protect for future generations. Adirondack Conservation News aims to highlight both threats and opportunities concerning the Park’s ecological integrity, wild character, and community vibrancy.
Legislature Approves Boat Inspection Law Aimed at Stopping Spread of Invasive Species
In the last days of the session, the New York State Legislature passed the Aquatic Invasive Species Transport Law, which requires boaters to clean, drain, and dry their watercraft using existing boat inspection and decontamination stations before launching into Adirondack waters. Invasive aquatic plants and animals cause biodiversity loss in freshwater ecosystems, negatively impact recreational opportunities, and reduce property values and tourism dollars. This legislation still needs to be signed by the Governor before it becomes law, and stakeholders will be urging him to do so to protect Adirondack waters from invasive species.
DEC Will Hold Academies for New Rangers, ECOs
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced that beginning in May 2022, it will hold academies for new classes of Environmental Conservation Officers and Forest Rangers. These six-month training academies will prepare up to 60 recruits for careers in protecting New York’s natural resources. This additional staff is needed and will help with the increase in visitors to certain areas of the Adirondack Forest Preserve, especially in the High Peaks Wilderness Area.
Hiker Parking Reservation System Adapts
The Adirondack Mountain Reserve (AMR) and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) have listened to hikers’ concerns about the new reservation system on the AMR and have made some changes. The AMR and DEC installed a new automatic gate at the entrance to the parking area in St. Huberts, which will allow hikers to leave after the lot closes for the night. Hikers can now make parking reservations just 12 hours in advance instead of 24 hours. In addition, the online reservation system will now automatically send emails asking hikers to confirm their reservations to curb the number of spots taken by people who don’t end up showing up.
Gypsy moth caterpillar invasion: ‘It’s a plague’
This year, parts of the Adirondacks are among the many locations across New York State that are being affected by an increase in gypsy moth caterpillars. Gypsy moths are one of the most destructive forest pests in eastern North America. The caterpillars (larva) eat the foliage of at least 300 species of woody plants, including oak, maple, apple, crabapple, aspen, willow, birch, mountain ash, pine, and spruce trees. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) staff say that although gypsy moth populations naturally spike every 10-15 years, this year’s infestation is uncharacteristic. For suggestions on how to combat these pests, click HERE to visit the DEC’s website.
Grants Available for Property Owners Along Lake George
This spring, Warren County was identified as a priority area under the New York State Septic System Replacement Program and is now accepting applications for grants for property owners on or near Lake George who are upgrading or replacing their aging septic systems. Under the state’s Clean Water Infrastructure Act of 2017, $340,000 has been dedicated to protect Lake George. Eligible property owners can receive grants for up to 50% of the cost of a project, up to a maximum of $10,000. The program is a collaboration among the state Department of Environmental Conservation, state Department of Health, the Environmental Facilities Corp., and counties.
Lisa M. Genier joined the Council in 1992 working as its Legislative Associate in the Albany office. During her tenure, she played a role in the creation of the Environmental Protection Fund, which has been used to fund land purchases and environmental programs in the Adirondack Park and around the state. She was also a member of the negotiating teams that worked on re-licensing agreements for several hydroelectric facilities in the Park, which preserved thousands of acres of land, expanded recreational opportunities, and protected other natural resources. Lisa now works part-time as Program Analyst writing action alerts, interacting with members, managing the Council’s website, and serving in a consultative role on legislative and other issues