Wildlife Crossing Act could ease Adirondack wildlife migration.
    Help preserve the water, air and wildlands of the six-million-acre Adirondack Park.
  • Round Mountain & Chapel Pond from Giant
    VISION 2050
    Fulfilling the Promise of the Adirondack Park

The Adirondack Park is a unique national treasure

a legacy we inherited over 100 years ago, that we must protect for future generations.




Protect Our Dark Skies

The Adirondacks are a national treasure, and one of the primary reasons for that is the ability to look upward and take in the Milky Way on a dark, cloudless night. The Adirondack Council is working with partners to reduce excess artificial light throughout the state to preserve New York’s night sky. Please sign the petition to show your support for the restoration of the nighttime environment and the protection of communities and wildlife from light pollution.

Sign the Petition

19-20 Accomplishments

23-24 Accomplishments

Achieved with partners, grassroots advocacy,
and YOUR support! 

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for the Adirondacks!

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