



Winter 2024

State of the Park

The Adirondack Council's State of the Park reports are annual publications that detail how the actions of local, state, and federal leaders helped or harmed the Adirondack Park throughout that year.

Special Reports

This archive contains a variety of detailed studies and recommendations on issues of immediate importance and long-term concern in the health and welfare of the Adirondack Park. Here you will find information on acid rain, enforcement of land-use regulations, road salt use, water quality programs, local property taxes, model ordinances for local governments and the long-term protection of open spaces, among other topics.

2020 Vision Series

The four-volume 2020 VISION series is designed as a plan for fulfilling the dream of creating a true Adirondack Park. It would ensure the preservation and ecological integrity of the Park for the year 2020 and beyond.

19-20 Accomplishments

23-24 Accomplishments

Achieved with partners, grassroots advocacy,
and YOUR support! 

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